General Property Information

House Rules

  • Families welcome
  • Check-in from 16:30
  • Check-out until 10:30
  • Housekeeping takes place between 10:00 and 14:00
  • No Parties allowed
  • No pets allowed
  • Air Conditioning: Due to the Island’s electrical capacity limitations and our commitment to sustainability, we kindly request that you switch off the air conditioning when leaving your room. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
  • Water Conservation: Please be mindful of water usage during your time on the island. Water resources are limited, so we kindly urge you to use water responsibly and make a positive impact on our environment.
  • Toilet Paper and Waste Disposal: Please refrain from disposing of toilet paper or any other items in the toilets. This practice can cause blockages and other plumbing issues. To maintain a smooth operation, we kindly request that you use the waste bins provided for proper disposal.
  • Sun Products with Carotene: Please refrain from using sun products that contain carotene, as they cause stubborn stains. We appreciate your understanding and help in maintaining the cleanliness of our Villa.